EME173-Ver1 Preamplifier Kits

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The EME173 PC board was designed to suit the construction of receive only preamplifiers for the 30 to 500MHz bands. All Kits use the low cost BF998 MesFET from NXP that has a low noise figure and were designed for television tuners. The output of the BF998 is matched to 50ohms using a tapped inductor ensuring stable operation. The preamplifiers can all be adapted for frequencies outside the ranges specified for each product, by simply changing the turns on the input inductor. The upper range of the EME173A70 Kit however is around 500MHz maximum.

EME173A6 Kit Notes:

The Preamplifier has been designed to be easy to construct, and can be centre frequency tuned for use between 45 and 65MHz, and is suitable for the 50-54MHz Amateur Band. A low cost BF998 MesFET has been used as it has very good characteristics on the VHF to UHF bands. The BF998 was specifically designed for television tuners, and has a low noise and1dB NF at 800MHz along with high cross modulation performance. The BF998 incorporates integrated gate input protection diodes to help prevent damage to the device from static. The Preamplifier design is essentially a tuned input MesFET, with a wide band 50ohm matching transformer on the output. The Preamplifier however can also be used on a 75ohm antenna, or coaxial cable systems.

  • EME173A6 Preamplifier
    Top view of the EME173A6 6m Preamplifier
The picture shows the basic EME173A6 Kit with optional SMA connectors. The red toroidal inductor allows the amplifier to be powered via the coaxial cable as a masthead amplifier.
  • EME173A6 Input inductor
    Fitting of the input inductor L1 for 50MHz
  • EME173A6 L2 Transformer
    How to position the output matching transformer L2.
  • EME173A6 L3 Choke
    Fitting of the optional inductor L3 for DC power via the coaxial cable.
  • Direct Coax Connection
    How to solder coaxial cable to the board when connectors are not required.
EME173A2 Kit Notes:

The Preamplifier has been designed to be easy to construct, and can be centre frequency tuned for use between 115 and 180MHz, and is suitable for the 144-148MHz Amateur Band. A low cost BF998 MesFET has been used as it has very good characteristics on the VHF to UHF bands. The BF998 was specifically designed for television tuners, and has a low noise and1dB NF at 800MHz along with high cross modulation performance. The BF998 incorporates integrated gate input protection diodes to help prevent damage to the device from static. The Preamplifier design is essentially a tuned input MesFET, with a wide band 50ohm matching transformer on the output. The Preamplifier however can also be used on a 75ohm antenna, or coaxial cable systems.

  • EME173A2 Preamplifier
    Top view of the EME173A2 2m Preamplifier
The picture shows the basic EME173A2 Kit with optional SMA connectors. The yellow toroidal inductor allows the amplifier to be powered via the coaxial cable as a masthead amplifier.
  • EME173A2 Input inductor
    Fitting of the input inductor L1 for 144MHz
  • EME173A2 L2 Transformer
    How to position the output matching transformer L2.
  • EME173A2 L3 Choke
    Fitting of the optional inductor L3 for DC power via the coaxial cable.
  • Direct Coax Connection
    How to solder coaxial cable to the board when connectors are not required.
EME173A70 Kit Notes:

The Preamplifier has been designed to be easy to construct, and can be centre frequency tuned for use between 350 and 500MHz, and is suitable for the 430-450MHz Amateur Band. A low cost BF998 MesFET has been used as it has very good characteristics on the VHF to UHF bands. The BF998 was specifically designed for television tuners, and has a low noise and1dB NF at 800MHz along with high cross modulation performance. The BF998 incorporates integrated gate input protection diodes to help prevent damage to the device from static. The Preamplifier design is essentially a tuned input MesFET, with a wide band 50ohm matching transformer on the output. The Preamplifier however can also be used on a 75ohm antenna, or coaxial cable systems. BUY THIS PRODUCT

  • EME173A70 Preamplifier
    Top view of the EME173A70 70cm Preamplifier
The picture shows the basic EME173A70 Kit with optional SMA connectors. The yellow toroidal inductor allows the amplifier to be powered via the coaxial cable as a masthead amplifier.
  • EME173A70 Input inductor
    Fitting of the input inductor L1 for 144MHz
  • EME173A70 L2 Transformer
    How to position the output matching transformer L2.
  • EME173A70 L3 Choke
    Fitting of the optional inductor L3 for DC power via the coaxial cable.
  • Direct Coax Connection
    How to solder coaxial cable to the board when connectors are not required.
EME173 Tests:

  • EME173A6 S21 Bandwidth
    EME173A6 Preamplifier Gain and Bandwidth Test
  • EME173A6 Input Return Loss
    EME173A6 Input Return Loss
  • EME173A2 S21 Bandwidth
    EME173A2 Preamplifier Gain and Bandwidth Test
  • EME173A2 Input Return Loss
    EME173A2 Input Return Loss
  • EME173A70 S21 Bandwidth
    EME173A70 Preamplifier Gain and Bandwidth Test

Changes and Updates:

1/ All these products have been discontinued and were replaced with the Rev2, and now Rev3 Kits.